Sunday, November 16, 2008

At the Home-stretch Now...

The tail end of last week, I got food poisoning from Chipotle. It totally derailed some of my craft fair planning. So, this weekend, I worked double time. Finally - I'm finished. I only have a couple CD covers to cut, and I need to price my items. Other than that, now I just have to wait and set up my table at the fair. I'll probably start that on Tuesday evening. I even bought a zillion bags of candy to try and lure people to my table. You think maybe I should get some cupcakes to?

This project also made me realize - I need a new computer! My computer at home is slow as molasses. Ever since I installed Microsoft Office 2007 and Adobe CS3, many of the programs will not run at the same time, Illustrator takes 15min to load up, and Acrobat crashes. Ugh. I guess now I need to save up for a more powerful machine. There's no way I can do freelance on what I have now.

I could probably get a good deal on one since the economy is going to the crapper. Electronics are on extremely discounted at the moment.

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