Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Steph vs. Technology

For the first time in my life, I feel old. Not because of wrinkles (which I don’t have). Not because I'm nearly 30 (27 is still young, man!).

The problem is, I’ve realized I'm totally behind in technology! I always swore I would never be one of those people who gets so out of touch with technology that they can't relate to younger generations. I refused to be like some people who have never even heard of a TiVo, Blue Ray, or iPhones.

Sadly, I am beginning to be one of those people.

Since my precious iPod got stolen, I'm desperate for a new one. I’ve avoided the gym because it’s so boring without my music. I went online to see if I could replace my 30BG iPod video, but now the iPod video is called the "iPod Classic". Since when did the iPod video become a 'classic'? iPod Classic comes in a standard 120GB, and eventually Apple has plans to phase out the 'click-wheel' format, and manufacture only the iTouch iPod. What? I've heard of iTouch, but I myself have never even seen one.

I think it's time to visit the Apple store to educate myself.

I guess I do have one thing to be proud of. Last week my brother in law scored me a "Wii"! So now I feel cool again. Anyone care to challenge me in some Guitar Hero?

1 comment:

Joellyn said...

If it makes you feel better, I have been playing Super Mario 2 (NES version) online, and it's not because I'm feeling nostalgic. I just really want to beat the game.