Friday, September 19, 2008

R.I.P Old Hp Scanner

Lately I've been obsessed with archiving old family photos. I realized about a week ago that not only do I not have any old family photos of my own, but the ones that my mom owns are deteriorating and falling out of their 1970s albums. Some are so old that they HAVE TO be archived at this point. So, as the resident family graphic designer, I am assigned to 'scanning' duties.

Problem...My old crappy Hp scanner kicked the bucket. I did buy it nearly 7yrs ago while in college - so I'm surprised it actually lasted this long. I CAN'T live without a scanner, so I had to buy a new one on Newegg tonight. This CanoScan 8800F got phenominal ratings on PC magazine and Newegg reviews. I'll let you know in a week or so if it actual lives up to its rating.

(photo courtesy of


Anonymous said...

hmmm...yeah...I gotta start thinking about doing that...I don't want our family pics to go into oblivion!!!

Rosario said...

Let me know how it goes! I am looking for a scanner myself to do the same project at home. It's time to get rid of paper.