Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Attn Designers: Adobe to Announce CS4

I received this ‘ominous’ message from Adobe today.

It’s official – Adobe’s Creative Suite 4 will be officially announced on Sept. 23.

Adobe seems to have software upgrades every 18months. While I adore the new features and try to apply all upgrades to my home PC – my employer is usually a step behind when it comes to software upgrades. We still have CS2 at work!

It’s becoming increasingly hard for many graphic designers to convince their employers that the upgrades are not only useful, but necessary. The new features of CS3 are quite amazing, and I for one, am looking forward to CS4. I hear most of the new features apply to the web applications, like Dreamweaver and Flash.

So I guess the countdown begins…


Anonymous said...

Hmmm...I knew that was being released but hadn't heard that the updates were mostly to the web apps. That sucks..b/c we are just about to buy the CS3.3 Master Collection...and I told them to hold off just a little bit longer...but I don't think we will be able to to. Crap...maybe if the funding doesn't go through until after it is release I can finagle it...

Stephy404 said...

I didnt know you had designers on staff! The govt is usually pretty generous when it comes to software upgrades. I'm sure if you get CS3 now, they will be more than happy to get you the upgrade later. Plus, you should probably wait for CS4 to be out for a couple months, as there are always problems at first. Adobe works out the issues after the upgrade release. There are some new features for Illy/Photoshop/InDesign - but the majority of the changes are with the web items.