Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A New, Smarter 'Steph'

My job approved my training for this year! Woohoo! After Wednesday and Thursday, I’ll be a more proficient Adobe InDesign (CS3) user. I have a second training course in October as well. The courses are offered by EEI Communications. I’ve taken classes from them before, and their instructors are well educated, well spoken, and experts in their field. They offer non-designer related courses too – primarily for writers, editors, marketing professionals, and Microsoft Office geeks.

See ya Friday people!


Anonymous said...

Wahoo!! My bosses have been promising me training for the past 18 months...I have no idea when the heck I am going to get it. But hey...if I need help w/ InDesign (one of the only parts of CS3 that we DIDN'T get)...I'll know who to come to!!!

Joellyn said...

That's exciting! This means you need to go shopping for new glasses, and work clothes to reflect the increase of your skills/knowledge.