Thursday, June 18, 2009

Countdown to iPhone 3Gs....

Tomorrow the new iPhones are officially released! Yay! We've already purchased ours, and my husband's AT&T rep will be configuring them for us tonight (I guess we got ours a day early...). This is the first time I'll have a phone that's actually in the technology age. I've always had the 'free-rebate' phones you get at the end of a two year contract.

I'm also happy to have a new phone plan with AT&T as they are much cheaper than Verizon. I was paying $80/month for a crappy Verizon phone with no internet. Now I'm paying about $80 for an iPhone with free data!

In any case, I can't wait to play with my new toy and check out some of the 'apps'. The GPS and Facebook apps are first on my list.

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