Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Jon & Kate Plus 8 = One Painful Season Premiere

I have to admit, I only watched this premiere for the “cringe” factor. There’s been so much in the tabloids about ‘Jon & Kate plus their infidelities’ that I wanted to see how TLC would film the show - and make it seem jovial and upbeat like usual.

After watching it though, I actually felt guilty. In my opinion, TLC should really take the show off air while this couple works out their problems. The entire episode was quite uncomfortable to watch, and there's definitely something unsettling about slowly watching someone’s marriage dissolve before your eyes - literally. Sadly, this season will undoubtedly give TLC some major ratings, which is why there’s no chance they’re taking the show off air.

During the episode, Kate stressed about 6 times how she had to plan the kids birthday party “alone”. Jon seemed totally indifferent though the entire ordeal, and could care less about the cameras, the paparazzi stalking his family, the kids party, or whether or not he was in the scenes at all. It’s clear there was bitterness between the two, even with the kids present. This marriage is on an unnerving downward spiral, and audiences can watch it unfold on the couches with a bowl of popcorn. Painful. Demoralizing. Slightly voyeuristic.

I was never an avid viewer of the show – only occasionally catching episodes when they were in syndication. I have to admit though, Kate’s become quite the 'diva' since the first season. Between the tummy tuck, enhanced wardrobe, book deal, and funky haircut (which is annoyingly hideous) – she’s turned her entire family into a major brand. She seems phased by the scandal, not the popularity.

For the sake of all 8 kids, I do hope this couple can work things out. I understand seperation/divorce when there’s one or two kids involved – but when you have 8, you almost want to tough it out for the kids if nothing else. How does one coordinate visitation or custody for 8 kids?! How does an individual care for 8 kids financially on their own? All of this seems sordid and complicated, and I for one, will not be watching this season.

Here’s a really accurate summary of the episode from Entertainment Weekly

(In the words of a popular comedian, the new show title may end up being ‘Jon plus 4, Kate plus 4’)

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