Monday, March 16, 2009

Fixing the DC Public School System

There are so many things I adore about Washington DC, but one thing that breaks my heart is the failing educational system in this city. They are currently the worst in the U.S.

It’s a known fact that DC public school have lots of problems, ranging from behavioral issues with students, dismal building repairs, ill-equipped/unqualified teachers, a lack of parental involvement, and a major lack of appropriate supplies.

For a city that serves as the nation’s capital, this is truly sad. When I looked up DC Public Schools (DCPS) on Wikipedia, it mentioned that in 2008, only 36% of students in DC demonstrated proficiency in mathematics and 39% demonstrated proficiency in reading. That means more than half the students in Washington DC CAN NOT do BASIC Math or English (reading/writing). How does an individual who can not read, graduate high school?!

Who’s responsible? Why have so many students slipped through the cracks? There in lies the ‘money question’, that many people think they can answer, but not many can fully resolve.

In 2007 Mayor Adrian Fenty appointed Michelle Rhee as DCPS School Chancellor. Michelle has received tons of criticism from educators and parents, particularly for firing dozens of teachers and principals in the District school system. In my opinion, I think too many people have been way to hard on her.

Some think that she’s taking too long to implement reform. But honestly she’s only been in her position for under 2yrs! No one can fix a school system as underachieving as DC’s in just under 2yrs time. It’s going to take time to aid a system that has been failing for many years (some say it’s been failing since the 1960s!)

Mind you, I’m not a DC Public Schools (DCPS) teacher, or administrator, and did not attend DC schools as a child (I was in Prince Georges Public School system, but I will leave that for another post…). I only offer opinions based on articles I’ve read about the issue.

In my opinion, if a child completely fails at school, you can’t totally blame the child. Yes, some children have no intensions on learning, and some simply have major mental or behavioral issues that are well beyond the assistance a teacher can provide. However, in many cases, I feel that you CAN blame the teachers. You CAN blame the principals. And ultimately, you CAN blame the parents.

For people who criticize Michelle Rhee’s annual salary of 275k, I say “Good For Her”. How many people do you think are lining up to have her job?!

I think only time will tell what will become of DCPS. I think DC residents should be patient with Michelle. It seems she has the best of intentions. Honestly, she must have faith in the system because she chose to enroll her own children in DC public schools. And, I have no doubt that the educators she’s fired have warranted being removed from their positions.

I don’t understand why anyone would criticize someone on Michelle’s position. It is not an easy task by any means. She’s receiving far more criticism than the previous Chancellor who clearly did not meet expectations. DCPS has a horrible nation-wide reputation, and if anyone has the courage to step in to change that reputation, they should be heralded – not scolded. Praised, not chided. Supported, not outcast.

Click here for article on Michelle’s Letter to DC educators

Washington Post ‘Series’ on Fixing DC public schools (w/ interviews and video)

1 comment:

Progressive Educator said...

I'm a first year teacher in DC Schools. Stay tuned to what is happening here. I am really excited to be a part of the teaching force here at this moment of change!