Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Wash Your Hands

Someone forwarded this video to me. Please watch it! This video is from Fox News, and is safe for work.

This should be a wake-up call for all those adults who go to bathroom without washing their hands – especially if they work in the food industry. I can't tell you how many times I’ve gone to the bathroom and seen grown women leave without washing their hands. So gross!

In my opinion, a person should wash their hands throughout the day regardless if they use the bathroom or not! Bacteria can get on your hands from day to day activities – like using your cell phone, computer, opening doors, shaking hands, etc.

I’m a total ‘germaphobe’ – I regularly take tissue with me to for touching door knobs, I always sneeze or cough into tissue, and I use anti-bacterial sanitizer after shaking people’s hands. It’s a little compulsive, but in the grand scheme of things, most ‘people’ are dirty. And I do what I can to reduce the chances of catching a disease or spreading something to my family or friends.

Now I guess I will also be avoiding an intake of pork as well.

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