Monday, January 5, 2009

When the Brain Goes on Auto-Pilot

Friday afternoon, I drove home from the metro as I usually do. The only problem this time – I didn’t remember driving home! My brain was on total ‘auto-pilot’ the entire ride. This has happened to me before, particularly on roads that I travel often.

I read about this once on The brain is great at recognizing repetitive movements. If you do something often enough, like drive the same route home, you can virtually think about other things while the brain still focuses on your destination.

I don’t think this is healthy though. In fact, the article I read, stated that it’s imperative that one introduces new things to the brain on a daily basis to help avoid Alzheimer’s later in life. Taking a new route home makes the mind more alert. You could even do something as little as changing your morning routine. If you normally brush your teeth before getting dressed – try getting dressed first.

If you change your morning routine, you’ll notice that at first, you’ll do things a bit slower. It’s because the brain is conditioned to do things faster the old way. The new way may take longer, but the brain will be more focused.

It’s important to keep the mind alert and active. It’s important to learn new things daily – which is why reading is key to healthy brain activity.

Just a little Monday morning tip. =)

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