Monday, October 13, 2008

Sinbad at the Warner Theatre

This week has been great so far.

I know it's only Monday - but since today is a holiday, I had the day off. Plus, I'm also off on Friday, which means - 3 day work week! woohoo!

This Saturday, I have tickets to see comedian Sinbad at the Warner theatre. Remember him? There were rumors a while ago that he died - which turned out to be false. I remember him being pretty hilarious back in the early-mid 90s. I hope it'll be fun.

It's usually 'hit or miss' when it comes to comedy shows. Some are really filthy too. I once took a group of friends to see Margaret was a bad idea. All of her skits were about, um, the female anatomy. Very graphic I might add.

Another time, I took some friends to see Dave Chappelle. Although he's normally really funny, he was also really 'high' this time. It was clear he was on something. Basically he just stood there laughing, and barely told any jokes. We paid $30 - he was on stage for about 20min.

1 comment:

Joellyn said...

I heard that Sinbad is pretty family-friendly in his shows. Does he still wear those pants?