Sunday, August 31, 2008

Woman & Child Rescued by Olney Firemen

As you can imagine, this week has been very dismal with the passing of my grandma. However, something happened today to lighten the mood.

I’ve been spending a lot of time this week at my mom’s house, and tonight, my sister and I spent about an hour in the basement researching cars online. After we finished, I headed upstairs to say ‘goodnight’ to my mom, niece and nephew. When I came upstairs, I heard my mom yelling, “I’m locked in here!”. Apparently, my niece slammed the door to the bedroom with my mom and nephew (who is 8mo old) in there. Somehow, when the door slammed, the door lock jammed in the door frame and got stuck. For some reason, that was so funny to me. In the midst of my laughter, I tried to open the door, but to no avail. I called my sister, and she came up and tried to push the door open…also to no avail. Suddenly we started to smell a “poopy” scent. We immediately looked at my niece who is currently being potty trained. I looked down to notice that my niece had ‘taken a dump’ in front of the door…probably out of nervousness that her ‘grammy’ was locked inside. I accidentally stepped in it, and had poop all over my socks.

That made us laugh even harder.

After picking at the door and lock for 20min. with an old screw driver, we decided that our last resort was to call the ‘non-emergency’ number to the fire department (which was a better option than 911). In 10min a giant fire truck arrived, and the firemen jumped out with axe and tools in hand. Of course 3 of my mom’s nosiest neighbors had to come outside to see what was going on.
Three large firemen, and one firewoman came upstairs and took a hammer to break and pry open the lock. Of course my mom and nephew were fine. He gave a big cheesy smile to the firemen when they opened the door. Obviously, now my mom has to change all the old door knobs in her house.

By the way, in case you were wondering – we did clean up the poop before the firemen came in. And, I guess when the fire department calls my home next time, asking for donations – I’ll definitely give them a large one. (lol)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HAHA! That's hilarious. Thankfully someone was there to get her out. Did she have a phone in the room with her? :) Yay for poopy adventures.