Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What I Loathe Most About DC is…

Metro. I would go so far as to say it’s probably the worst public transportation system in the nation. First off, riding the trains in DC in the summer is a truly miserable experience. The trains are a cesspool of body odor, sweat, tourists, commuters, strollers, and humidity. To top it off, most train cars and platforms do not have air-conditioning, and outside it is usually a balmy, humid 95 degrees.

Yesterday was a great example of the metro subway system at it’s worst. I get off work at 5:30pm. I couldn’t catch a train until almost 6pm. The train platform at Farragut North was crowded with hundreds of commuters impatiently waiting for a train. I heard there was some sort of power outage earlier that caused a delay. I finally ‘bumrush’ onto a train. It’s crowded. I’m miserable. But thankfully, this car has working air-conditioning. I find a seat, and then pull out my cell phone to play a little Tetris to calm my nerves. Our next stop is Metro Center. Hundreds of people fight to get into our train. Finally, when everyone is nicely packed in, the worst thing happens. The train doors wont close. I know it’s only seconds before they offload the train. The conductor asks commuters who see the open/malfunctioned door to try and push it closed. No avail. We are offloaded. Mind you, hundreds were already waiting at Metro Center prior to our trains arrival. I funnel to the back of the crowd and frantically try to call friends/family that maybe drove in that day, to see if they could give me a ride home. Sadly, Verizon Wireless doesn’t work in Metro Center. I can’t find a signal. Stupid metro! You said you had cell towers in there!

Finally, after 20min, I get on another train. I need to get to Glenmont – this train only goes to Silver Spring. Whatever. I get on so that I can finally get out from underground. This time I don’t get a seat. It’s packed and I end up standing next to a guy determined to read his stupid newspaper. He scratched my arm with the ‘Metro Express” all the way to Fort Totten. I get to Silver Spring and wait another 10min for a Glenmont train. Metro, when you have major delays, why don’t you let your Silver Spring trains go all the way to the end of the line at Glenmont?! It’s almost as if you enjoy torturing your patrons.

In any case, I get home about 7:30pm – sweaty, angry and starving. I scarf my dinner, watch ‘House MD’, and go to bed to await yet another joyful day on DC metro.

Sometimes I want to drive to work to avoid metro, but gas prices are just as depressing. SERENITY NOW! SERENITY NOW!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww...that sucks! I know what life is like on metro...thankfully I worked from home yesterday, so I did not have to be in that horrible mess...but I've done it plenty of times to know what it is like...that's why you always come prepared w/ an ipod (and maybe a flask hidden in your purse...haha)