Sunday, October 24, 2010

What Kind of Geek Are You?

This week, I found this nifty flowchart from Flowtown. The chart gives a great explanation of the 'evolution' of the term 'geek', and it details all the various types of 'geeks' there are. I must say, I encompass a few of these. I'm a part music/film/comic book/otaku/pop culture and design geek. I must say, I do not fully understand the Star Wars and Star Trek geeks out there, nor the Dungeons and Dragons geek - but who am I to judge. We're all just dorks in the end.

(click for larger image)

1 comment:

Jeffrey Dale Starr said...


I knew I was a geek, I just had no idea how deeply my geekiness ran.

Same as you Stephanie, I'm a comic book, tech, movie, otaku geek. But I'm also a Star Wars/Trek geek (I don't really know why that's an either/or em both).