Tuesday, April 7, 2009

In the Name of Beauty

There is a skin issue that plagues my family. It comes from my mother’s side. It starts small, usually on the back and face. In some cases, it can grow to the size of a dime. What am I referring to? MOLES!

Every woman in my family has them. One family member had them removed well into her adulthood, and she had over 100+ on her face alone.

I refuse to wait and let my moles consume my face – so on Friday, I had the ones on my neck removed…well actually…burned.

Basically, because the moles are on the surface of the skin, they can only be ‘lasered’ or burned off – which means, my moles are now scabs, and I have to wait for them to fall off in a week’s time. Getting the laser was beyond painful. It was horrifying. So much so that I could not even get the ones on my face done. I made a separate appointment for that. I have a high tolerance for pain, but getting those moles burned off hurt worse than laser hair removal.

Ahh, but it’s all worth it in the end. Even the strange stares I’ve been getting on the metro because of my ‘connect-the-dot’ scabs. lol.

(Sorry, this was probably TMI)

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