Tuesday, December 16, 2008

27 is Old

I have forehead wrinkles. At 27!
Last night, as I was applying my moisturizer I noticed 3 forehead wrinkles. This is totally unfair. I take care of my skin, I use fancy cleansers/moisturizers…I was even an avid Oil of Olay Wrinkle Cream user when I was 16.

I really hate getting older. I can’t lose weight as fast as when I was 18, and I can’t function unless I have at least 7hrs sleep a night. In college, I could function on only 4hrs per night. Never had wrinkles or dark under-eye circles.

My worst fear has always been that I would not age gracefully. I know that’s really vain, but all the women in my family look awesome for their age. I don’t want to be the young “old hag”! Today, I think I’m going to start using the Murad line of anti-aging cream. It’s pretty expensive, but I’ve read some great things about it.

Overall, I know that nothing is going to ‘reverse’ my wrinkles completely. But I want to prevent more wrinkles from surfacing. And if I have to, I am not opposed to Botox!


Joellyn said...

That's crazy. I just noticed forehead wrinkles on myself this week too! Maybe they have been there all along, and we just noticed them.

Rosario said...

Hon, just look at your mom. You are not gonna age gracefully...you are gonna age fabulously!